Well we are now on Coftys series " Evolution is a fact" pt 7, and I I have contacted the Jehovers Witness London Headquarters in Edgware for a responce and submit the reply:-
Dear Apostate Cofty , thank you for your thoughts on Evolution, please understand we want you to be our friend, but the bible is our only authority in addition let us look at a scripture for proof evolution is wrong " in the beginning God Created the earth". And that is proof enough for us.
Therefore dear Apostate your posts on Evolution have a luck of scriptural support to support your thinking,. This is clarified because as keen bible students we only use reference supported from the bible.Therefore with what " little time remains before the end of this system" we suggest you repent and accept that Jehover is in fall control.
Please accept our warm Christan love and best wishes, with one final thought EVOLTION is an EVIL-ILLUSION.
Sadly I once believed that bullshit.
The Rebel.